Big ideas about faith and culture, contained in twenty-six little letters.
Category: Christian faith & culture
May 6, 2018
4 Reasons Why Young Adults Are Quitting Church
Young adults are dropping church at an alarming rate. But why? The answer could be more complex than you think.
April 19, 2018
How I Was Wrong About The Proverbs 31 Woman
Some Christian women love her. Others (like me) see her as an impossible standard. But when I explored the Proverbs 31 woman for myself, I was surprised.
April 16, 2018
Why Friendship Is The Least Talked About Relationship In Church
You’ll hear lots about dating and marriage in church – but what about friendship? This is the case for more Christians appreciating the beauty of friendships in their faith walk.
April 8, 2018
Is Doubt Culture Bad For The Church?
My generation is embracing doubt and deconstruction as we question the answers in our Christian walk. But is this “doubt culture” healthy?
March 27, 2018
Why Our Christian Jargon Is Hurting The Church
Mutually encouraged. Doing life. Fellowship. Like any jargon, Christian jargon can be useful. But why aren’t we talking about how it excludes people?
March 27, 2018
If You Are Trying To Create “Christian Community”, You May Be Overthinking It
“Community” is a major buzzword in Christian circles. But is building our church community a worthy goal, or a distraction?
March 23, 2018
Why Christians Are Burning Out In Droves
Burnout can happen anywhere, but Christians seem to be particularly susceptible. Here’s why it’s dangerous to “burn out” – even for a good cause.
March 23, 2018
Why The Christian Gospel Isn’t Morality (And Why We Get Them Confused)
What is the difference between Christian morals and moralising? I reflect on how Christians can distort morality, and what is has to do with God’s grace.
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