Big ideas about faith and culture, contained in twenty-six little letters.
February 21, 2019
Why Christians Need Margins In A World Of Busyness
These days, being busy is a status symbol, and it can even feel honourable to be busy. But what is our busyness costing us in our Christian mission?
February 17, 2019
Don’t Try To Be Creative. Try To Be Receptive
For creative inspiration, it takes more than just having an idea fall out of the sky. Here’s why being open-minded and observant can make you more creative.
February 6, 2019
Dear Christians, We Need To Talk About Body Image
Body image is a major concern for many people – so why aren’t Christians talking about it? Here’s why we need to start the conversation – and what to say.
January 20, 2019
What Victims Of Abuse Really Need From Christians
Now is the time for every Christian to think about how to respond to victims of abuse in the church. This is part two of my two-part series on forgiveness.
January 12, 2019
What Forgiving An Abuser Means (And Doesn’t Mean)
In an age of sex scandals, do Christians understand what it means to ask a victim to forgive? A personal reflection on abuse and its misconceptions.
January 7, 2019
The Most Important Lesson I Learned From 42 Days Of Creativity
Facing a difficult month, I opted to pursue 42 days of creativity. What I discovered was a surprising lesson in how creativity can boost your health.
December 30, 2018
The Case For Optimism In An Age Of Cynicism
Cynicism – in an age of Trump, it’s both common and fashionable. For many, cynicism seems like an alternative to disappointment. But is it healthy?
December 18, 2018
When Does Self-Care Become Selfish?
Self-care – it’s a phrase that’s launched a thousand wellness blogs. But when you’re putting yourself first, where does self-care end and selfishness begin?
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