Big ideas about faith and culture, contained in twenty-six little letters.
Category: Christian faith & culture
September 17, 2020
When Christians Confuse Toxic Positivity With Real Hope
Toxic positivity – the belief that ‘being positive’ is the best and only way to live – is nothing new. But what happens when it gets confused with Christian hope?
March 30, 2020
Why Christians Don’t Get Discipled In Technology
Is technology impacting society in a bad way? Maybe, but it’s also a big part of many Christian’s lives. So why aren’t we talking about it in church?
January 15, 2020
In A Chaotic World, Christians Need To Understand the Value of Lament
Right now, many of us feel beaten down by world events. In times like these, it’s more critical than ever that our churches understand Christian lament – how to pray about the dark.
October 1, 2019
We’re In a Generation That’s Deconstructing Its Faith. Will The Church Help Reconstruct It?
Deconstruction is a buzzword in this generation of Christians, but it’s so often characterised as progressive and even rebellious. Is it?
April 11, 2019
Three Reasons Why Christians Should Live In The Moment
In today’s distracted world, “living in the moment” is more valued than ever. But did you know the Bible gives us a template for living in the moment, too?
March 27, 2019
Why So Many Men Are Giving Up On Church
It’s true: There are more women in church than men. But why? I investigate the commentary on the Christian gender gap and what we can make of it.
March 12, 2019
Why Christians Speak “Christianese”, And Why It’s A Problem
Jargon infects most groups – but for Christians, using an insider language can be especially concerning. Here’s why it’s time to check your jargon.
February 21, 2019
Why Christians Need Margins In A World Of Busyness
These days, being busy is a status symbol, and it can even feel honourable to be busy. But what is our busyness costing us in our Christian mission?
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